Friday 3 February 2012


For my practical piece of work I am planning to create a magazine article, the magazine I am specifically proposing to use as a base model is ‘Nuts’ or possibly ‘FHM’ a specialist male orientated magazine. ‘Nuts’ is a fairly simplistic magazine with informal language and at times explicit, it caters to the needs and fantasies of the male gender with various images of models, however sometimes it does have interviews with female celebrities, especially if they have appeared seductive in either films, photoshoots or television series. Most of the male readers would be older teenagers and young adults, this is based on the fact that there are jokes, as well as gory and explicit images which suit the needs of the consumer, however there are articles about football amongst other things which would attract a larger demographic. I have chosen ‘Nuts’ or ‘FHM’ as a model for my project as I feel it emphasises the points I am making in my critical essay as my main focus is on how women are portrayed in films, with reference to Mulvey’s theory of the male gaze which states how women are portrayed with the camera focussing on curves etc to meet the needs of a male audience. To create the article I am using Adobe Photoshop CS5 and InDesign CS5.
As my critical investigation is titled, ‘An examination of the way women are portrayed in action and horror films. How have female roles in action and horror films changed over the last decade’, I am planning to create an article with still frame images from on-set of the film as well as a modelling photo in the stylisation of Nuts/FHM with an interview about the actress which will be quite crude, I have chosen to do this as I feel is accents as well as pin points how women are portrayed within not only the film industry but in the media industry as a whole, thus emphasising my points from my critical investigation. I will follow the codes and conventions of the magazines structure, as well as the informal language with frequent expletives used which will suit the typical male working class audience.
For my images that I am going to use in my article I will take photos of a female in tight clothing particularly focussing on her curves to emphasise Mulvey’s theory. Then for the other images that are a representation of a photo shoot for the magazine I will use the female model in revealing clothing, to fit the codes and conventions of my chosen specialist male magazine. My intention for the magazine is to show in still frame images how women are represented in the films only to emphasise the theories and points I have made in my critical investigation.

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